Manual:DIL Manual/on ... goto ...
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on n goto la, lb, ..., ln:
This construct is an easy way of performing a goto operation based on the result of an integer. The integer value 'n' must be zero or positive and less than the number of labels specified in the label-list. If n is outside this range, the on-goto operation is skipped and execution continues at the next instruction.
Based on the value of 'n' execution continues at the label corresponding to number 'n' in the list. I.e. if n is 0, then execution continues at the first specified label, if n is 1 then at the second, etc. etc.
Assume you have an integer 'i' larger than zero, which takes on 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Based on each value you need to take a different action, this is how you can do it:
on i goto grin, laugh, grin, nada, poke, laugh; log("Value was not in the range 0..5"); quit; :laugh: exec("grin", self); goto ...; :grin: exec("cackle", self); goto ...; :blank: exec("cry", self); goto ...; :poke: exec("smirk", self); goto ...; It is often used in this context
on rnd(0,4) goto l1, l2, l3, l4, l5; :l1: bla; :l2: bla; ....